Here, I want to give you a sense of who I am and how Red Light Hypnotherapy (RLH) came to be. I want you to walk away (or click away) from this page with an understanding of why I’m so passionate about RLH and why it could be the very thing that turns the tables for you as you walk on your own path to a future free of grief, anger, stress, anxiety or weight loss troubles.
Before you get started on learning my her-story, I want to just be upfront with you that what comes next may be relatable or maybe not. Take what you wish and what you need from my her-story and leave the rest. There’s plenty to choose from.
Way back in the 20th century…ok maybe we won’t go quite that far back in this timeline, but seriously though I was born in the 20th century in a small town in southern Louisiana. I tell you this because being from Cajun country shaped so much of my upbringing and made me into the person I became in my 20s. In fact, I would argue that all of you can take something away from this because so much of who we are unconsciously gets formed in our younger years before we’re even aware it’s happening. While this may seem cruel and unfair given some people’s childhood experiences, I’m a big believer that we chose to come into this world in a very particular way that sets us up for the reality we get to create in the future.
Enough psych talk…ok back to my her-story. I was always very independent and very driven, but my motives weren’t always driven by an inner strength - that came much later. Much of my drive and independence was driven by a need to please others and to get that “atta girl!”. My worth was derived from what I perceived others thought and said about me. While the root of why I did things was off balance, it was fantastic fuel to push me along the road to what I considered success at the time.
I graduated from a college prep high school and went on to get a Chemical Engineering and Chemistry degree with an emphasis on Biology in 4.5 years from University of Louisiana at Lafayette. With multiple job offers and wanting to be like my Dad who worked his way up from the only person in his family to go to college to CFO, I took a job in corporate at a refinery as a Process Engineer and quickly worked my way up to managing a department of over 30 people in less than 10 years.
It’s worth pausing at this point in my her-story to tell the story of how I met my husband. As I was going to different job interviews, I had an on-campus interview with the company I ended up taking the job with. I remember walking into the interview and seeing this black haired, brown eyed, tan, tall guy who was a little older than me. I was wearing a black pant suit with a white shirt that I had borrowed from my mother. Throughout the interview, I just remember thinking “I think this guy might be hitting on me, but I’m probably just imagining things!” A few days later I got a call saying they would like to interview me on-site. Full disclosure…I never saw that tall tan guy again until after I got the job. Then one of the first weekends after I started, all the engineers went out for drinks and I saw the tall tan guy again. Needless to say, my original assumptions were correct tall tan guy was definitely interested in more than just the interview! 10 years, two kids, and a labradoodle later…
My husband is my biggest supporter, my protector, and the rock that got me through all of the hard parts that I just completely glazed over in the story I just told you.
It’s quite easy to tell you the story with all the highlight reels, but let’s fill in the parts that most days I’d rather forget happened. The moments that made me curl up in a ball and made me feel like I could never get back up again. The moments that shaped the 20 year old me into the person I am today.
After pushing myself to the limit of academic study in high school and college, I decided to abandon my dreams of med school which is why I went into chemical engineering in the first place (that and being an engineering major was the only way to stay in the new nice dorms…a girl’s gotta have her priorities!). I was so burnt out from pushing myself through school that I honestly couldn’t bear the idea of going through another 8-10+ more years of school at that point.
The human body and mind always held a fascination for me. I went to a summer camp in high school where I got to see an open heart surgery which still to this day was one of the coolest experiences ever! After choosing to not go onto medical school, working with the human body and mind didn’t seem like it would be in my cards so I put those dreams up on the top shelf and moved on.
Since I knew no other speed, I continued to push myself in my career. Moving through positions at break neck speed and climbing the proverbial corporate ladder as fast as possible. All the while pushing myself way past burnout and putting my family and friends on the back burner. Ignoring the increasing levels of stress & anxiety I was feeling.
Until one day, I hit a wall.
Our oldest child was not even 2 at the time and we found out we were pregnant for our second child. There was a happiness but also a moment of panic. How could I possibly have 2 under 3 and keep my life going at the pace I was moving at? Things around me (myself included) were already starting to show the stress cracks and my life was barely being kept together by threads. Each day my anxiety, stress, and panic attacks were getting worse. Just the sound of my crack-berry work phone ringing would send me into an anxiety laced spiral. I didn’t have to worry about adding another child on top of this for long because a few weeks later on Mother’s Day, I miscarried. For years, I blamed myself and it took me years before I told anyone outside of my immediate family that I had experienced this. We were devastated.
This was the beginning of my wake up call.
I began to move my dream of working with the human body and mind back down a few shelves by starting to work on myself first. I brought back my yoga and meditation practices that I also shelved after college. I started small by bringing my yoga mat to work to practice during lunch and getting up just 10 minutes earlier to meditate using mantras with my mala beads in hand. I found Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) tapping that helped calm some of my anxiety and lower my stress. I slowly began to forgive myself and to heal myself from the damage I had done to my mind and body in my never ending quest to seek other’s approvals.
We got pregnant again about a year later and I knew I had to do things differently. I requested to be moved to a slower paced position and took a step back in my career. I started to really think about what I wanted for my future, for my husband and kids' future. People around me probably wondered why I gave up the path in the fast lane to upper management, but honestly I didn’t care after a while. I had finally started to stop living my life wishing for someone else’s approval.
The dream to work with the human body and mind dropped down a few more shelves and kept on with its incessant small little nudges in the back of my awareness.
Things finally felt stable and then 2020 happened. While we all know what happened then and many of you likely found your stress & anxiety had skyrocketed, my neck of the woods had an extra layer on top. Remember when I said I was born in southern Louisiana and how that was important? While southern Louisiana is known for its good food, rich culture, and distinct music ensembles, it’s also no stranger to hard times. In fact that’s a good bit of the reason we have such a rich culture - it’s built upon survival. You get a different breed of people when they are constantly tested to their limits. And 2020 was no exception. While the rest of the world had their own story of survival, the town where we live was in the direct path of destruction of not only one but two major hurricanes - Hurricane Laura and Hurricane Delta, both within 3 months of each other. We were one of the “lucky” ones. Our house was still standing..for the most part. Others around us were not so “lucky”. We spent the next 18 months in a rent house while we rebuilt our life.
In the middle of dealing with insurance and contractors in the middle of a pandemic with supply chain shortages, and watching my neighbors also try to pick the pieces of their lives (all of which were nightmares incarnate), my anxiety and panic attacks came back with a vengeance. It was so bad that I found a doctor and asked them to fix me. I didn’t care how…I was desperate. I was prescribed medication for my anxiety and depression for the first time in my life. At first it was great, it took the edge off and I could function somewhat “normally” again. The problem was that it never completely made it go away and I hated feeling so numb. We were meant to live this life not float about on the edges living in who-knows-where land. All the while, the root cause was still there lurking in the background.
So I got off the medication and found myself a wellness coach or rather my coach found me. In fact, there were a series of teachers, coaches and healers that found me during those next few years that guided me to heal myself. Each of them helped me to peel back each layer of the onion to get to the root cause of my stress & anxiety - all of which I had to take responsibility for the part I played in creating. As I look back on each time a new healer or coach came into my life, it was completely guided by fate. There’s no way I could’ve orchestrated any of it in the way that it all lined up so perfectly, although I didn’t see it at the time.
This happens more than you may have realized in your own life. When we are ready to heal, to learn the lessons we came onto this Earth to learn, and to finally align with our purpose, quite often people and things are strategically placed into our lives to help us along our way.
This kind of kismet is exactly how Red Light Hypnotherapy came to be. I was having one of those vanity moments and saw Jenna Kutcher with her red light face mask on social media. I thought why not…
So the great part was that it worked! My fine lines and forehead wrinkles started to slowly fade over the next few months but the most interesting thing happened, I started noticing my anxiety and stress decrease as well. I wanted to understand why or find out if I had completely made it up. So I started pouring over research (like obsessive compulsive type searching because I just felt compelled to understand…one of my endearing traits 😆) and found some amazing studies done over the past few years where they’ve been able to statistically lower people’s anxiety and depression levels using red light on specific points on the forehead (here’s the link to this specific study).
Within the same few weeks, I had a follow up with my doctor who I had met through another kismet moment while I was getting my Feng Shui Consultant certification back in 2021. During the appointment she asked me how I was sleeping and I told her how I was struggling to fall asleep at night and that it just took me forever to wind down. She introduced me to a hypnotherapist that she recommended, Heidi Hazen. And I completely fell in love. Finally, I found a tool that got all the way down to the root of what I was struggling to heal with all the other tools I had added to my toolbox over the years of trying to heal myself - only to find each one to either come up short or to work for a short while until the problems came back with a vengeance. I shared her work with my husband and he’s the one who sparked the next kismet idea. He told me - you know…when you do guided meditations you sound a lot like what she’s doing…
So I went back to my best friend who never judges me - Google and asked “how to become a hypnotherapist?” And a YouTube video popped up with Paul McKenna advertising for their new Mindvalley Hypnotherapy certification.
As I went through the certification, learning from Paul, Steve Crabb, and Tina Taylor, I began to connect the dots between using red light and hypnotherapy to speed up the results even faster than just one method alone. I tested this on myself, my friends, my family…literally anyone I could get to put on the hat and listen to me.
The results were astonishing.
Hypnotherapy alone works amazingly well by helping you fix the mental and emotional root causes, while the red light works on a physical biological level to help your cells work like they’re supposed to. Together they quite literally work almost like magic, that is if magic was backed by science.
So if you’re still here with me, reading through this her-story, I’ve got only one question for you: